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(1/5) Select your University, the Sports you practice and Level

Each User has Profile
You can see all the people from your University Community on the app, and see the sports that you have in common with them
Filter them by a specific sport and send them an invitation

(3/5) University Sport Profile
Each university has a profile on the app,
Add your sports program & optionally activate the booking system
Link your website and social media to the app
From your computer access you can manage:
the QR Code Scans,
Covid Tracing
Push notifications,
Penalty System
(4/5) Our Upcoming New Functionality :
See all the Sports Clubs, Teams and Sports Communities in your unviersity
Check your Group's Profile
Join their Public or Private Team Chats

(5/5) Create Sport Activities and Share your Experience

Sports Centers in these Universities & Colleges
use Nova Sport

Currently we are expanding in Spain, Portugal and the UK
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